Friday, March 11, 2011

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Lives that were touched by Almaz Church...Kiev Ukraine

Today's Tweets..from Pastor Sasha

and now I share the happiness with 5000 brothers receive instruction from Steve Lawson

about 4 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone
A_Skripak another 2 hours ago I learned to love God, preaching and the people Alex Mantoyya,

about 4 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone
A_Skripak I realize, deeply aware that I am now in the best place in the world, as gathered here the best preachers of the Word.

about 4 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone
A_Skripak What I'm most afraid of? Afraid of going to jail and be isolated from family and church.

about 9 hours ago via Osfoora for iPhone
A_Skripak RT @ roskoalexey: We must make disciples, not just converted to Christianity.

about 9 hours ago via web
A_Skripak RT @ o_alina: If you call at the door and you have to strain to think long about whether to approach the door - and then you live in Kiev =
about 9 hours ago via web

Message from Pastor Sasha!

I am a happy pastor and leader of the home team! You ask why?

When the church leaves two pastors to be on the conference and gain a foothold in the spiritual life, at which time the local church continues to liveand do ministry. It took the church meeting on Sunday, sounded a sermon, it was worship and fellowship.

My home group met without me, it held a brother with whom I am engaged indiscipleship.

They even recorded a video greeting and send to me from the Ukraine in the USA!

It's a real pastoral happiness!