Reaching out to the orphans and Communities of Ukraine "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us…let us not love with word or tongue, but with action and in truth." (I John 3:16-18)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Interview with Sasha Furmanchuk who began her service to the orphans and is still on this way
- Sasha why out of such a big variety of ministries or ways of spending your time did you choose to go to the children's home and serve orphans?
- My ministry to orphans started just recently - a bit more than half a year ago. But during this short period of time the Lord helped me realize much I have: my family and those near and dear. Why did I choose this very ministry to the orphans? Because for these children in their situation it is important to realize that God is the only One Who can change their lives. He can become their loving Father. This is why the aim of out team's trips was to bring them the Gospel and love of our Almighty God.
The testimony of Kareena, the administrator of building #5 of the orphanage in Vorzel
"In our orphanage we have several buildings. Some of them regularly get help from Christians and other donors. For some reason we never got any major help in our building. In 2008 representatives of Almaz church came in and offered to remodel the building and help the staff and orphans. We did not expect much because we do not trust promises.
In 2008 and 2009 Almaz church and their partners from USA have done so much work that we still cannot get over it. Most important for me was to see that people who love God not only talk about Him but show their love practically. These people are so faithful! And it proves to me that God is not leaving us alone in our needs and He is here with us caring for the lives of the orphans."
A testimony of a changed life
I am Dima. I am 16. When I was 6 my family abandoned me and did not want to care for me any longer. I did not know what I will do with my life. I know how to play chess and I win local competitions. Last summer believers from Almaz church came to our orphanage. They spent a lot of time with me and explained to me who I am, who God is and what future I will have with God. I have a vision now. I know my life will have sense.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Serve with Humility...Join our team in Ukraine to minister to orphans...
John the Baptist was born with a single purpose; "to make ready a people prepared to receive the Lord" (Luke 1:17). He was chosen for service before he was conceived and was "filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth" (Luke 1:15). John was so obedient to his calling that Jesus said, "Among those born of women, there is no one greater than John" (Luke 7:28). But John also knew his position within God's Kingdom...he had come to serve.
John 1:26-27
"'I baptize with water,' John replied, 'but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.'"
John had been given his assignment and was empowered by the Holy Spirit to accomplish his tasks. He was a servant preparing the way for the King. John was the greatest man ever born; and yet, in his humility, he felt unworthy to even untie the sandals of Christ.
True humility is not simply defined by a low self-image. It is the natural condition of our spirit when we begin to understand who we really are...and Who God really is! John felt unworthy because he had been given a glimpse of the unfathomable greatness and holiness of his Lord. As he stood in the presence of Perfection, there was only one response; "He must become greater, I must become less" (John 3:30).
When we know that Jesus is on the throne, "at God's right hand" (1 Peter 3:22), and that He will reign for all eternity, we begin to see our life in the proper perspective. He is infinitely perfect and worthy of infinite love, worship, and service. We live and breathe purely by His grace; we are but "a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14).
Yes, we are a "mist," but we are a mist with a purpose. We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit with the necessary tools to victoriously serve. Though our offering will always be imperfect, and far less than He deserves, it will be pleasing and acceptable if we give Him our ALL, give Him our best, and give from the innermost part of our heart.
Our God is truly above ALL, and He loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son so we could be with Him for all eternity. He calls us to believe in His gift and then serve Him for all the rest of our days. Let's continue to love Him with all our heart, give Him our absolute very best, and daily walk down the path He lays before us. Let's serve obediently, boldly, and victoriously...but let's also lift the Name of Jesus higher and higher and serve with humility.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
"True freedom is when you loose the need to impress people. If you are driven by applause, then you are bound by the feelings and emotions of other people."
Proverbs 27:2
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Детская площадка 2010-Монитор
“Every child has a right to play”
Construction tour around the orphanages
in Ukraine 2010-2015
This video will show the beginning of a 5-year tour in 2010. This is a tour around Ukrainian orphanages with the goal to replace old Soviet playgrounds with new modern ones.
Action plan:
Step 1
Find a large investor who would be willing to donate $9.000 – 15.000 into a new playground. We want to become hands of this person so that they could work through us in Ukraine from a distance.
step 2.
Negotiate with the orphanage administration the demolishing of an old and nonfunctional playground (unaccesable for special needs children).
Step 3.
Clean the territory from the old equipment and from the trees that may put the lives of the children in danger.
Step 4.
Lay a special foundation that can live through cold Ukrainian winters. We want the foundation to be nice and even and surrounded by the fence so that kids could play withough nurses controlling them constantly.
Step 5.
Cover the foundation with a rubber layer that will protect children from injuries and will allow them to move independantly. It is especially important for special needs children.
Install playground equipment that will allow children to move around and work out. Special needs children have to have an easy access to these equippment.
This video will show you how the tour was started in summer of 2010. You will see the first 4 steps we have accomplished.
Plans for 2011:
1. To finish the construction of the playground #1 by covering the foundation with the rubber layr and installing the necessery equippment.
We have 50% (which is $3.500) of the neceserry funds to finish the playground #1. We still are looking for another $3.500.
2. To build a playground #2 in the orphanage building where 100% of the children have special needs.
We have 60% of the necessery funds and we still are looking for $4.800.
3. If we have any additional donations and funds we are ready and willing to build 2-3 playgrounds in 2011.
Please, pray for us:
- for the team;
- for all the necessery means for the ministry for the next 5 years so that we could give children a chance to get out of the building walls where they spend every day of their lives;
- for children to use our playgrounds and develop their skills and physical abilities;
- for children to be better developed and more attractive to potential adopting families in Ukraine.
Preaching about the great God in Western Ukraine, where thousands of religious people live who do not know a real relationship with the living God.
The Conference “Great is Our God” was held on 8-9 April 2011 in one of the greatest cities of Ukraine, Lviv, that is situated in the Western Ukraine and has a population of nearly 800,000 people. It is about 70 km. away from the Polish border.
The main religious confessions in the region are the Greek Catholic Church, the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, and Judaism. That is why it is not surprising to see in the streets and inside the houses statues and pictures of Virgin Mary and other saints, who are considered by the majority of local Christians to be mediators between God and men, which is a reflection of their views of God…
The main speaker at the conference was Nikolay Skopych, Pastor of Almaz Church in Kyiv. Nikolay came here by way of invitation from the pastor of one of Lviv churches. For the previous 3 years, Nikolay has been undertaking such trips all over Ukraine in the framework of the Almaz Church’s Ministry for Dissemination of God’s Word. People of Lviv City and region could hear his sermons on marriage and family and wise usage of money on three occasions during those years and together with the speaker research the Scriptures that have so much to say about these vital topics.
This time, nearly 200 people from Lviv and nearby towns and villages came to hear about our great God and His attributes.
Nikolay taught a lot about the sad situation with knowing God. When dwelling on it, the main stress was made on the thought that “without knowing the grand majestic God it is impossible to burn with love for Him, impossible to truly follow His commandments or carry out fruitful ministry.”
We also studies what the Bible says about importance of getting to know God, learned about the ways to do it and obstacles to be overcome. And, of course, the lion’s share of time was devoted to the study of God’s nature and His attributes. In other words, for a day and a half we searched the Scripture to see what He is like, out Great God.
Closer to the end of the conference we had questions and answer time.
And, the closing accord of the conference was made in prayer and worship time.
After the night on a train, on the next morning Nikolay preached at his church in Kyiv….
Monday, April 18, 2011
Report on the Conference
The Conference “Great is Our God” was held on 8-9 April 2011 in one of the greatest cities of Ukraine, Lviv, that is situated in the Western Ukraine and has a population of nearly 800,000 people. It is about 70 km. away from the Polish border.
The main religious confessions in the region are the Greek Catholic Church, the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church, and Judaism. That is why it is not surprising to see in the streets and inside the houses statues and pictures of Virgin Mary and other saints, who are considered by the majority of local Christians to be mediators between God and men, which is a reflection of their views of God…
The main speaker at the conference was Nikolay Skopych, Pastor of Almaz Church in Kyiv. Nikolay came here by way of invitation from the pastor of one of Lviv churches. For the previous 3 years, Nikolay has been undertaking such trips all over Ukraine in the framework of the Almaz Church’s Ministry for Dissemination of God’s Word. People of Lviv City and region could hear his sermons on marriage and family and wise usage of money on three occasions during those years and together with the speaker research the Scriptures that have so much to say about these vital topics.
This time, nearly 200 people from Lviv and nearby towns and villages came to hear about our great God and His attributes.
Nikolay taught a lot about the sad situation with knowing God. When dwelling on it, the main stress was made on the thought that “without knowing the grand majestic God it is impossible to burn with love for Him, impossible to truly follow His commandments or carry out fruitful ministry.
We also studied what the Bible says about importance of getting to know God, learned about the ways to do it and obstacles to be overcome. And, of course, the lion’s share of time was devoted to the study of God’s nature and His attributes. In other words, for a day and a half we searched the Scripture to see what He is like, out Great God.
Closer to the end of the conference we had questions and answer time.
And, the closing accord of the conference was made in prayer and worship time.
After the night on a train, on the next morning Nikolay preached at his church in Kyiv….
Thursday, April 14, 2011
An amazing testimony of the administration of the orphanage.
Today we had a unique conversation with the representative of the orphanage administration in Vorzel. This person said that the last year was very important for the orphanage and there was certain struggle going on. They said that the government was going to shut down the orphanage because the old facilities were dangerous for children and personnel. But in reality the reason is somewhat different. The land in Vorzel is very expensive. Today the land of the orphanage costs $5-7 mln. There are people in the government who really want to get this land and the bad state of the facilities was just an excuse to shut down the orphanage. It this case 200 people would lose their job and more that 100 orphans would be sent to other remote orphanages where facilities are even worse.
The representative of the orphanage administration informed that in the beginning of 2010 a governmental committee checked the orphanage and they saw all the transformations including new doors, windows, new flooring and the most important the remodeling of the heating system because it was mostly dangerous. So they are losing reasons to shut down the orphanage.
The representative of the orphanage was so grateful and exited about the construction and remodeling in 2008, 2009 and 2010. They believe that because of this remodeling the orphanage has a future.
Today we had a unique conversation with the representative of the orphanage administration in Vorzel. This person said that the last year was very important for the orphanage and there was certain struggle going on. They said that the government was going to shut down the orphanage because the old facilities were dangerous for children and personnel. But in reality the reason is somewhat different. The land in Vorzel is very expensive. Today the land of the orphanage costs $5-7 mln. There are people in the government who really want to get this land and the bad state of the facilities was just an excuse to shut down the orphanage. It this case 200 people would lose their job and more that 100 orphans would be sent to other remote orphanages where facilities are even worse.
The representative of the orphanage administration informed that in the beginning of 2010 a governmental committee checked the orphanage and they saw all the transformations including new doors, windows, new flooring and the most important the remodeling of the heating system because it was mostly dangerous. So they are losing reasons to shut down the orphanage.
The representative of the orphanage was so grateful and exited about the construction and remodeling in 2008, 2009 and 2010. They believe that because of this remodeling the orphanage has a future.
Today began our church men's weekend. Attended by more than 30 men. Please pray for all of us, that God did what He thought of us to be attentive to his word!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
"Here I am to Worship" - Russian Youth Choir
Please Help Almaz Orphan Outreach Project....
We are trying to raise enough to pay for the van necessary for the missionaries in Ukraine.
If you are friends of Almaz outreach, please add a "chip in" on your blog or website and end the event May 31 2011. We are asking people to skip a coffee or a latte for a day or a week and donate for this need of our brothers and sisters in Christ. You may offer what ever amount you'd like. Please keep in mind pay pal does charge a fee for their processing terminal, even though it is minimal. We thank you in advance for all those who will help in this ministry. Summer missions trips will be starting in May & June so we need to get this van ready for the Skripak family and for the missionaries who will be coming in to Ukraine soon. If you can donate a large sum and would like a tax deductible receipt, then email Pastor Sasha for details on how you can do this.
These missionaries will be heading to Vorzel Ukraine where they will minister to the children and replace broken and old plumbing & electric. They will repair walls and rooms and hopefully finish off the playgrounds for the children. Playing is something we take for granted in America...these children in the orphanages also need to play to stimulate them and to have the staff be able to interact and for therapeutic reasons.
If you have ever considered going on a missions trip but don't know anyone or don't the first thing about getting's your chance.. Email Pastor Sasha at the address above to join a team already in progress. Can be 1 person, can be a few...places are filling up. You can add a couple of extra days to your trip to do some sight seeing as well in beautiful Ukraine. Be prepared for an awesome life changing experience will be happy you did. If your life seems empty of unfulfilled or you don't understand what life is about or why God put you on this earth, you will probably find some answers to many question you have had.
Join the Skripak family this summer as they follow through on a mission from God to love, help and care for orphans.
17 You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and
you listen to their cry,
18 defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is
of the earth, may terrify no more.
27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.
68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy
82:3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of
the poor and oppressed.
“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. ” – Psalm 82:3-4
Dear Friends!
We would like to share our story with you.
Many of you know what our life situation is – beside us, our parents, sister, children, and grandfather all live together in a three-room apartment, all in all 9 persons and 4 generations.
Of course, lots of various things happen. Life in such conditions is sometimes especially complicated.
We know that it is God, who is allowing this situation, even though it seems quite desperate. But He wants something for us in this situation. He wants us to exercise humility, learn, be the light for our non-Christian parents and grandfather, and influence the nephews in some way. And saying the truth, we are not always faithful.
Two summers in a row God gave us opportunities to apartment sit for our friends and, thus, live separately. They left for the whole summer to America and we used their apartment. But this summer, they are not going. We knew about it and were perfectly prepared to spend the coming summer at our own Kyiv apartment.
Some two weeks ago we prayed about out living situation at out small group meeting. We prayed for us, that God give us strength, wisdom, and especially support, so He, if He will it, let us live somewhere separately for at least a little.
I had little faith that this would bring any result. Nothing indicated that we will ever be able to live alone. We cannot afford renting an apartment.
Quite unexpectedly another family suggested that we stay this summer at their house . They too are going to America and need somebody to apartment and dog sit for them. In fact, they proposed it to some other couple, but they decline and recommended us. These people know us very well and a very long time, since we came to the Lord. We used to go to the same church at some point. But, we never were especially close. And, on the last Friday we learnt that they are ready to trust their house near Kyiv to us.
This was a miracle!
I remember what we learnt about Abraham. He was afraid. At some moment of his life he showed lack of trust in God. But, God did what He planned. God is always faithful.
We are not perfect in the life conditions, where God put us, we often lose our battles, we often feel weak and whine. But God is our hope. Our hearts are with Him.
Another scripture I have been thinking about:
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he makes sore, and binds up: he wounds, and his hands make whole. (Job 5:17,18)
God allowed us to live in difficult conditions for these three years. And this seems to be a desperate situation. But, He never leaves us alone in this situation. He supports us, gives us respite, time when we could be hospitable to people. The same has happened again. His hands make whole, very tenderly and with great love.
This is a miracle for us! And, we want to share it with you :)
Thank you to all, who prayed for us or somehow felt for us.
We would like to share our story with you.
Many of you know what our life situation is – beside us, our parents, sister, children, and grandfather all live together in a three-room apartment, all in all 9 persons and 4 generations.
Of course, lots of various things happen. Life in such conditions is sometimes especially complicated.
We know that it is God, who is allowing this situation, even though it seems quite desperate. But He wants something for us in this situation. He wants us to exercise humility, learn, be the light for our non-Christian parents and grandfather, and influence the nephews in some way. And saying the truth, we are not always faithful.
Two summers in a row God gave us opportunities to apartment sit for our friends and, thus, live separately. They left for the whole summer to America and we used their apartment. But this summer, they are not going. We knew about it and were perfectly prepared to spend the coming summer at our own Kyiv apartment.
Some two weeks ago we prayed about out living situation at out small group meeting. We prayed for us, that God give us strength, wisdom, and especially support, so He, if He will it, let us live somewhere separately for at least a little.
I had little faith that this would bring any result. Nothing indicated that we will ever be able to live alone. We cannot afford renting an apartment.
Quite unexpectedly another family suggested that we stay this summer at their house . They too are going to America and need somebody to apartment and dog sit for them. In fact, they proposed it to some other couple, but they decline and recommended us. These people know us very well and a very long time, since we came to the Lord. We used to go to the same church at some point. But, we never were especially close. And, on the last Friday we learnt that they are ready to trust their house near Kyiv to us.
This was a miracle!
I remember what we learnt about Abraham. He was afraid. At some moment of his life he showed lack of trust in God. But, God did what He planned. God is always faithful.
We are not perfect in the life conditions, where God put us, we often lose our battles, we often feel weak and whine. But God is our hope. Our hearts are with Him.
Another scripture I have been thinking about:
Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he makes sore, and binds up: he wounds, and his hands make whole. (Job 5:17,18)
God allowed us to live in difficult conditions for these three years. And this seems to be a desperate situation. But, He never leaves us alone in this situation. He supports us, gives us respite, time when we could be hospitable to people. The same has happened again. His hands make whole, very tenderly and with great love.
This is a miracle for us! And, we want to share it with you :)
Thank you to all, who prayed for us or somehow felt for us.
My name is Alexey Volkov. I focus on developing and improving Almaz church worship services. Starting from January 2011, I am also a full-time minister at Almaz church.
Among other things, my responsibilities include taking care of the administrative issues dealing with Sunday services, coordinating different ministries related to church services,
developing vision and strategy for improving worship services together with our pastors, and implementing the set goals.
With God's help, over a couple of months' period we have accomplished the following things:
- growth in children's ministry: in the upcoming weeks we will have group #4, even though a month ago there were only two groups;
- growth in hospitality ministry: we started a better feedback system for new people through questionnaires, calls, emails and personal meetings with the pastors.
Besides, we now have worship service translation into English through headsets.
My name is Alexey Volkov. I focus on developing and improving Almaz church worship services. Starting from January 2011, I am also a full-time minister at Almaz church.
Among other things, my responsibilities include taking care of the administrative issues dealing with Sunday services, coordinating different ministries related to church services,
developing vision and strategy for improving worship services together with our pastors, and implementing the set goals.
With God's help, over a couple of months' period we have accomplished the following things:
- growth in children's ministry: in the upcoming weeks we will have group #4, even though a month ago there were only two groups;
- growth in hospitality ministry: we started a better feedback system for new people through questionnaires, calls, emails and personal meetings with the pastors.
Besides, we now have worship service translation into English through headsets.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
In 2008 my wife and I visited an orphanage in Vorzel for the first time. There were 10—15 special needs children who impressed us especially. I remember how desperate I was to realize that no one needed those children. I suffered thinking that they had no future and their lives will end in the institution. We could only visit those kids, involve our local church into ministering to them, to share with some Ameicans our grief and bring them to that orphange to visit.
For the last three years I have been witnessing miracles though they are still hard to comprehend. Most of those kids were adopted into families. Today they have parents and become socially adjusted. It is an honor for me to even touch the lives of these children and to the work of God He is doing in them and for them.
I want to introduce three of those kids to you.
A boy who you always want to visit because he is so friendly and outgoing! Despite his desease he is brilliant and has great memory! Today he is adopted into a wonderful American family.
Nadya, Sasha and Dima.
We met these kids in 2009. All 3 of them lived in Vorzel's orphanage. Nadya was 6, Sasha was 3 and Dima was 1. They knew very well they were the only family for each other. It was so sad to know that Nadya was moved to a boarding-school. The boys were so upset and depressed not to have their older sister around. An incredible miracle happed. One family from Almaz church in Ukraine fell in love with these kids during one of the ministry projects. They were praying in secret for two years about adopting them. Our Lord Jesus promiced to give to those who ask Him.
In 2008 my wife and I visited an orphanage in Vorzel for the first time. There were 10—15 special needs children who impressed us especially. I remember how desperate I was to realize that no one needed those children. I suffered thinking that they had no future and their lives will end in the institution. We could only visit those kids, involve our local church into ministering to them, to share with some Ameicans our grief and bring them to that orphange to visit.
For the last three years I have been witnessing miracles though they are still hard to comprehend. Most of those kids were adopted into families. Today they have parents and become socially adjusted. It is an honor for me to even touch the lives of these children and to the work of God He is doing in them and for them.
I want to introduce three of those kids to you.
A boy who you always want to visit because he is so friendly and outgoing! Despite his desease he is brilliant and has great memory! Today he is adopted into a wonderful American family.
Nadya, Sasha and Dima.
We met these kids in 2009. All 3 of them lived in Vorzel's orphanage. Nadya was 6, Sasha was 3 and Dima was 1. They knew very well they were the only family for each other. It was so sad to know that Nadya was moved to a boarding-school. The boys were so upset and depressed not to have their older sister around. An incredible miracle happed. One family from Almaz church in Ukraine fell in love with these kids during one of the ministry projects. They were praying in secret for two years about adopting them. Our Lord Jesus promiced to give to those who ask Him.
Dear Friends!
We long to let you know that the miracles God does in lives of many people become evident in our family in Ukraine!
It is hard to put into words what we experienced when the doctor said that Liza’s nose was broken. We heard it from a well-qualified doctor and the X-ray proved the diagnosis.
We tried to stay calm and confident in the Lord. We trusted Him in everything we had to face. It was so encouraging when we heard from all of you!!! We were so moved that so many people prayed right away about our daughter!
We were broken before God and got ready for the surgery. We got to a hospital early in the morning and we knew it was all in God’s hands. We had to stay in line for 2.5 hours to see the doctor. It is an average situation in Ukraine. We had prayed and asked God to bless us with a good doctor. An we did met a professional. He looked at the X-ray and he commented angrily that we were not attentive to let it happen. Then he had several tests and with a great surprise he said the nose was not broken just hit. We asked him to test Liza again to make sure he was absolutely right. He said that in his opinion there was no fracture. It is hard to tell how happy we were to hear that. But from the other hand we got suspicious. Why would it be so?
The next day we went to the institute of otolaryngology to hear the third side’s opinion. We wanted to make sure the nose was ok and did not need a surgery. The professor there proved that the nose was hurt but not broken and Liza did not need the surgery!
What a relief!
So today we can confidently say that God healed our daughter! It is unbelievable but true.
Today instead of sitting in the hospital and suffering from pain after surgery we are able to keep on serving the Lord and His church.
Please, share our joy with us! Tell us that our Lord is the Lord of healing and He is merciful to the families who labor for Him.
Today we are in awe but joyful!
We long to let you know that the miracles God does in lives of many people become evident in our family in Ukraine!
It is hard to put into words what we experienced when the doctor said that Liza’s nose was broken. We heard it from a well-qualified doctor and the X-ray proved the diagnosis.
We tried to stay calm and confident in the Lord. We trusted Him in everything we had to face. It was so encouraging when we heard from all of you!!! We were so moved that so many people prayed right away about our daughter!
We were broken before God and got ready for the surgery. We got to a hospital early in the morning and we knew it was all in God’s hands. We had to stay in line for 2.5 hours to see the doctor. It is an average situation in Ukraine. We had prayed and asked God to bless us with a good doctor. An we did met a professional. He looked at the X-ray and he commented angrily that we were not attentive to let it happen. Then he had several tests and with a great surprise he said the nose was not broken just hit. We asked him to test Liza again to make sure he was absolutely right. He said that in his opinion there was no fracture. It is hard to tell how happy we were to hear that. But from the other hand we got suspicious. Why would it be so?
The next day we went to the institute of otolaryngology to hear the third side’s opinion. We wanted to make sure the nose was ok and did not need a surgery. The professor there proved that the nose was hurt but not broken and Liza did not need the surgery!
What a relief!
So today we can confidently say that God healed our daughter! It is unbelievable but true.
Today instead of sitting in the hospital and suffering from pain after surgery we are able to keep on serving the Lord and His church.
Please, share our joy with us! Tell us that our Lord is the Lord of healing and He is merciful to the families who labor for Him.
Today we are in awe but joyful!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Dear Friends!
On behalf of Almaz church and also from us personally we want to thank you for taking part in the ministry to orphans in Ukraine! Knowing how much you are willing to support us our family moved into Vorzel for 2 month to serve the orphans here!
Sasha Skrypak, the pastor of Almaz church and the family of Olya, Liza, Herman and Martha.
Vorzel, 2010. What is new?
Week #1
We all were looking forward to start working in the orphanage in Vorzel this summer! Today there are about 100 kids. How does is happen that these children are in the orphanage and not home with their families? Some parents abandoned their children right after their birth, others were trying to take care of them and gave up, some were deprived of parental rights. Our mission is to take care of children and of the care takers in the orphanage. Most donors want to help kids but often forget about people who live and work with these children (half of them are disabled) day by day and get them ready for their difficult life.
So, we are we doing in Vorzel this summer?
We break the old.
We broke down a 50-years old restroom in building 5. More than 60 kids and care taker were using it for years. Children have no idea about using a comfortable toilet and having a shower or a warm foamy bath. We will not go into the details explaining the conditions for the nurses who work there day and night. Financial support of Ada Bible church, Michigan, USA made this construction possible.
We started the reconstruction of the early intervention therapy room or as we call it the "sensory" room (room for developing sensory skills). Here they have classes for children with Cerebral Palsy, for mentally and physically retarded kids and for kids who need rehabilitation after serious surgeries. The physical and mental development depends very much on the conditions of the classroom and learning tools. The better kids are developed the more chances they have to be adopted. Also they will have a better quality life in the institutions where they are sent when they turn 6. Unfortunately life in these institutions greatly differs from life in the orphanage for little kids where the atmosphere is nicer and more friendly. Financial support of Ada Bible church, Michigan, USA made this construction possible.
We also started remodeling of another room where 20 kids live. They sleep, eat, play and learn in one room. These children get sick more often than others because of the old wall papers that spread around the old infection. We could not leave it the way it was! Faithful members of Almaz church support this project financially.
This ruins will be replaces with new remodeling and construction that will bring lots of joy to children, nurses, doctors and care takers. Some of them work at this orphanage for more than 50 years.
We are building a play ground.
If you have ever been to the post Soviet territory you khow how this terrible metal constructions called "playgrounds" look like. It is scary even to think about children playing on this playground, They are in absolute decline. Children are not able to spend time outside where they can play, learn and get exercise. It breaks your heart when you see kids wondering around outside having nothing to do and losing their opportunities.
For the first time our ministry got a chance to build a playing ground for the orphans!
We are planning to build a playground of 135 square meters covered with a rubber layers. We want to have there a track, sandboxes, swings, a pool and place for rest for the care takers and children.
This is how children spend time outside today.
This is the beginning of the reconstruction of the old playground.
We spend time with children and share our love with them.
For the first week our multinational team was able to reach out with love and care to more than 30 kids. We were able to take them out, help stimulate their intellectual and physical potential and just share our love and joy! It is not much but how grateful those kids were!
How you can participate in the mission ministry to orphans in Vorzel today.
Tell everyone who is interested in adoption.
Tell everyone you know that Kati needs a family.
This girl is 13 months old. Her mom gave her away because Kati was born hydrocephalic and had a myelocele. Also she has dislocation of her thighs joints. She was operated on and had certain medical treatment. Kati is recovering right now. It is amazing but her brain works well and she is doing very well intellectually.
Please, support the ministry in your prayers.
Please, pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual state of people who have been serving in Vorzel for 3 weeks now. They still have 5 more weeks of a hard labor ahead.
Pray for us to have wisdom how to share the Good News with the personnel. This year as never before they ask so many questions and want to know more about our life and our faith. It is a unique opportunity to share Christ with them!
Pray for the patience and wisdom in working with children. The children are special and so different. Most of them have special needs and have lack of discipline.
Help finish construction of the playground in Building 5
Thanks to the CBN ministry in America and in Ukraine and to the Christ Community Church, in New Smyrna Beach in the USA we got the funds that made it possible to start building a new playground, build the foundation and a fence. We need to continue working on this playground.
We are planning to purchase:
135 square meters of rubber covering (1 square meter is $45). This rubber cover will allow the disabled kids to move around independently. We will be laying the covering step by step so even if you decide to help with 1 meter it would be a great investment.
A swing set ($500).
A swing set ($600).
A swing set ($300).
A slide ($500)
A sandbox ($300).
2 benches for the caretakers ($300 X 2 =$600).
A swimming pool ($120)
If you consider helping the ministry financially you can send the donations to:
Account Name: Friends of Ukraine
Bank: Fifth Third Bank
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Routing Number: 072400052
Account Number: 7165237749
Checks sent to office.
Phone 616-954-2000
Donate quickly with PayPal :
On behalf of Almaz church and also from us personally we want to thank you for taking part in the ministry to orphans in Ukraine! Knowing how much you are willing to support us our family moved into Vorzel for 2 month to serve the orphans here!
Sasha Skrypak, the pastor of Almaz church and the family of Olya, Liza, Herman and Martha.
Vorzel, 2010. What is new?
Week #1
We all were looking forward to start working in the orphanage in Vorzel this summer! Today there are about 100 kids. How does is happen that these children are in the orphanage and not home with their families? Some parents abandoned their children right after their birth, others were trying to take care of them and gave up, some were deprived of parental rights. Our mission is to take care of children and of the care takers in the orphanage. Most donors want to help kids but often forget about people who live and work with these children (half of them are disabled) day by day and get them ready for their difficult life.
So, we are we doing in Vorzel this summer?
We break the old.
We broke down a 50-years old restroom in building 5. More than 60 kids and care taker were using it for years. Children have no idea about using a comfortable toilet and having a shower or a warm foamy bath. We will not go into the details explaining the conditions for the nurses who work there day and night. Financial support of Ada Bible church, Michigan, USA made this construction possible.
We started the reconstruction of the early intervention therapy room or as we call it the "sensory" room (room for developing sensory skills). Here they have classes for children with Cerebral Palsy, for mentally and physically retarded kids and for kids who need rehabilitation after serious surgeries. The physical and mental development depends very much on the conditions of the classroom and learning tools. The better kids are developed the more chances they have to be adopted. Also they will have a better quality life in the institutions where they are sent when they turn 6. Unfortunately life in these institutions greatly differs from life in the orphanage for little kids where the atmosphere is nicer and more friendly. Financial support of Ada Bible church, Michigan, USA made this construction possible.
We also started remodeling of another room where 20 kids live. They sleep, eat, play and learn in one room. These children get sick more often than others because of the old wall papers that spread around the old infection. We could not leave it the way it was! Faithful members of Almaz church support this project financially.
This ruins will be replaces with new remodeling and construction that will bring lots of joy to children, nurses, doctors and care takers. Some of them work at this orphanage for more than 50 years.
We are building a play ground.
If you have ever been to the post Soviet territory you khow how this terrible metal constructions called "playgrounds" look like. It is scary even to think about children playing on this playground, They are in absolute decline. Children are not able to spend time outside where they can play, learn and get exercise. It breaks your heart when you see kids wondering around outside having nothing to do and losing their opportunities.
For the first time our ministry got a chance to build a playing ground for the orphans!
We are planning to build a playground of 135 square meters covered with a rubber layers. We want to have there a track, sandboxes, swings, a pool and place for rest for the care takers and children.
This is how children spend time outside today.
This is the beginning of the reconstruction of the old playground.
We spend time with children and share our love with them.
For the first week our multinational team was able to reach out with love and care to more than 30 kids. We were able to take them out, help stimulate their intellectual and physical potential and just share our love and joy! It is not much but how grateful those kids were!
How you can participate in the mission ministry to orphans in Vorzel today.
Tell everyone who is interested in adoption.
Tell everyone you know that Kati needs a family.
This girl is 13 months old. Her mom gave her away because Kati was born hydrocephalic and had a myelocele. Also she has dislocation of her thighs joints. She was operated on and had certain medical treatment. Kati is recovering right now. It is amazing but her brain works well and she is doing very well intellectually.
Please, support the ministry in your prayers.
Please, pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual state of people who have been serving in Vorzel for 3 weeks now. They still have 5 more weeks of a hard labor ahead.
Pray for us to have wisdom how to share the Good News with the personnel. This year as never before they ask so many questions and want to know more about our life and our faith. It is a unique opportunity to share Christ with them!
Pray for the patience and wisdom in working with children. The children are special and so different. Most of them have special needs and have lack of discipline.
Help finish construction of the playground in Building 5
Thanks to the CBN ministry in America and in Ukraine and to the Christ Community Church, in New Smyrna Beach in the USA we got the funds that made it possible to start building a new playground, build the foundation and a fence. We need to continue working on this playground.
We are planning to purchase:
135 square meters of rubber covering (1 square meter is $45). This rubber cover will allow the disabled kids to move around independently. We will be laying the covering step by step so even if you decide to help with 1 meter it would be a great investment.
A swing set ($500).
A swing set ($600).
A swing set ($300).
A slide ($500)
A sandbox ($300).
2 benches for the caretakers ($300 X 2 =$600).
A swimming pool ($120)
If you consider helping the ministry financially you can send the donations to:
Account Name: Friends of Ukraine
Bank: Fifth Third Bank
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Routing Number: 072400052
Account Number: 7165237749
Checks sent to office.
Phone 616-954-2000
Donate quickly with PayPal :
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